Thursday, June 4, 2015

Most Inportant Life Lesson For All

As I sit at my desk studying for my next test and paper for my summer classes, I look around and see that I have become an Applevillian. Through a hard choice I made years ago, I have slowly surrounded myself with Apple technology and enjoy each of them. My first purchase was the purchase of my IMac. This was a very difficult choice at the time because my IMac was almost double the price of a competing PC. After biting the bullet and having PB&J sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a long time, I know I made the right choice. Since then I have bought a couple IPads for my wife and I. Santa delivered IPods to my big girls a couple years ago. My older children with my wife and I all have IPhones, which is the only phone that has lasted over eight to ten months in my position over the last twenty years. (I am really hard on phones) Yes, I love Apple technology and the ease that all my gadgets sync with one another. This is all due to a young man at the age of twenty who chased after his dream.

Steve Jobs lived an amazing life. Like all people he had challenges and successes throughout his life. He started life as an orphan and was taken in by a loving family that raised him. When he was twenty his best friend and him created the first Apple computer in his parents garage. In a few short years Apple was a multi billion dollar company. Due to differences in the direction of the company, Steve was fired from Apple. (A Brick in the Head)  Over the next few years Steve started over and created companies like Next and Pixar. He fell in love with a beautiful woman and got married. Shortly after Apple bought Next and Steve returned to Apple and through hard work Steve became the C.E.O. of the company he started.

Under Steve's direction Apple has become the front runner in computer technology throughout the world. He changed the music business by getting rid of the bulky Walkman tape and CD players when Apple introduced the IPod. Downloading music was born and Cd's were put into the pasture. Next came the IPhone that tied cellular phones to computers. Then the laptop, MacBook pro. Then came the IPad, which changed the laptop industry forever. Now Apple has come out with the Apple watch which Steve put in the works years ago. With all these breakthroughs Steve had many trials, but through hard work and perseverance he was able to over come all. That was until he was told that he had cancer and had only a short time to live. As with everything else in his life, he fought hard to overcome this brick that had hit him in the head, but in the end he was unable to overcome this trial. He passed away October 5, 2011 leaving a legacy behind that has changed the world.

The Triumphant Individual is one of Reich's Cultural Parables that Steve Jobs clearly fits into. As stated above, Steve was the little guy that worked hard and took risks and in the end it paid off. He went against the big boys, Hewlett Packer and IBM and bucked the normal approach towards computers and stuck to his guns and came out ahead. Through the trials in his life he plunged on toward his dream and never took his eye off the ball. The ball may have changed from time to time, but his eye was always on the ball. He stayed true to himself and never compromised in his ideals which made him a maverick in the computer industry. By never giving up and sticking to his ideals Steve was able to reach his dreams and change the computer industry forever.

The process of premise in this speech would be Behavioral influences. In this speech Steve explains his behavior through the good times and hard times. Where this speech is a more motivational speech where Steve basically tells us to not give up and to follow your dreams, we are encouraged to behave likewise. Throughout his speech we also come under the Emotional influences of Steve's trials and accomplishments. We see or feel his emotion towards his wife when he mentions her and his family, and in hearing these emotions we also create an emotional response to the speech. By having this emotional response it causes some type of validity to what Steve says because we feel it and hear it.

Throughout Steve's talk he focuses on one thing, don't give up. we must not give up when trials come our way, because whey will. We must be prepared and stand strong and keep our eye on the ball. Steve said "Sometimes life can hit you in the head with a brick, don't loose faith." One of my daughters say's it this way "DON'T QUIT", Don't quit, do it. It's all about how we want to live our life. Are we going to get up after we fall or stay on the ground in the dirt and get stepped over? It's up to each of us. Are you ready?


  1. Truly Steve Jobs is an example of Reich's Triumph of an Individual. Go Steve! I too am an Applevillian.

  2. I like knowing of the stories of the triumphant individual. I honestly didn't know who Steve Jobs was until he died. After watching his movie I was amazed what he did to get where he did in life. I think that is what drives these individuals to get where they do in life because they have that "don't quit" attitude. Great pick and analysis of the triumphant individual.

  3. Thank you Trent this is a great speech. I really like the part where he says that I was an awful patient and that I just needed to take my medicine. The truth is that yes we need to not be over whelmed by the difficult circumstances that we face. To look past them and see that there is an opportunity and possibility to succeed.
