Thursday, June 11, 2015


PooPouri, don't go without it. We have all gone into a bathroom and immediately turned around to find another bathroom because of the foul odors that was emanating from the back of that deep dark  dungeon. These times can be very embarrassing especially when you walk out and someone walks in at the same time and being blown over by the smell and thinking it was you. How about when visiting a friends house and dropping a bomb in the guest bath and the fan doesn't work, or you leave the fan on when leaving and hoping it sucks up the paint peeling odors that you left behind. All of this can be put behind you with the great product of PooPouri.

This add would follow under a few of Marvell and Schmitt's Taxonomy influence Tactics. To avoid the Negative Esteem of others you would use this product so no one would think bad of you because of the lingering odors. This would also fall into the Positive expertise of the influence tactics by believing her when she said that no one would believe of the mother load that she just dropped. How about the tactic of Positive Self-feeling. By using this product you will feel good about yourself after you flush and with confidence go out and wash your hands instead of waiting for everyone to leave the public bathroom before leaving your stall so that no one will see who dropped the bomb. Positive alter-casting would come into effect with this also, because smart people would always be prepared so as to overcome embarrassing moments. We all respect those who do not have a smelly butt and that is where Positive Esteem of Others would come into play here.

Through this infomercial we see it touches on a few of the process premise. First of Packards "compelling needs"  we come away with a sense of power by being able to leave the bathroom with the knowledge that we had control over the situation. We can leave the stall feeling happiness/joy and a sense of pride by being able to "Drop the mother load " and no one being the wiser.

This infomercial did a good job by bringing out the need of their product. It was done in a humorous way but touched on many needs of having such a product on hand. This looks like it would be a good product to have on hand. Its a bit bulky, whereas a woman can hide it in her purse a man would have a hard time concealing a can of PooPouri in his pocket. With that being said, for a bottle of 100 flushes the cost is $9.95. That's just under ten cents a flush, what a bargain. Don't go without it, Please don't go without it.


  1. Hilarious Trent, my mom actually bought this for my grand ma for Christmas... I don't think she appreciated it.

  2. Ha ha love this commercial. This is definitely a positive spin on not wanting to leave a negative impression. Great post.

  3. Ha Ha, compelling needs - I couldn't help but comment on your's. I also believe this theory about women and #2. Something you just don't want to believe. On a second note, I have to travel with different co-workers from time to time and this product has been a life-saver in the hotel room.

  4. Great analysis of your post. I can definitely see the Positive self-feeling in this. Of course nobody wants the embarrassment of being followed right after use, this is a great product and definitely sells to convince you to save face and stay positive about yourself.
